Saturday, March 31, 2007

There are very few things i like about myself and when i though of writing about the habits of mine, i cherish a lot. I wasn't surprized that i had very few words. But still i decided to share what i like a lot about myself

1 ) Punctuality : There are not many times i remember when someone waited for me, i just hate being late for a meeting even if it is an informal one. I respect others time and expect that mine is also taken care of.

2) Deciosion Making : I make ALL my decisions on my own, i might ask someone for a suggestion but wouldn't let anyone decide a single thing for me. By doing so i feel satisfied even if i make a wrong one. So if i fail i have no one else to blame for and if i succed i take all the credit for.

3)Candidness: That is one thing i am scolded most for but i believe it might offend people for once when i say but it is better that people know what i think about them. So i neither keep anything inside nor look for the chances to bitch. If i have got to say something i will on your face...:)

And i think there are not many other good habits i posses or things i do ... still as a friend u accept me it is your choice...!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Since I Know now !!!

So what if we shared the same space,
It have been days since i last saw u'r face.
Be the failures to face or be it a occasion of success,
That makes no difference whatsoever be the case.

Since i know if i fail,
you will not be the one who will share the blame.
And if i succed sometime after all the rush
you will not be the one with i will be pleased to share hard earned success.

Since i am not insane so i am asking u to perform a task,
which sure even i could have done without telling you in a gasp.
Give up every inch of space that u covered in the past,
Cause there is someone who deserves it for now and i hope utmost!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Price of voice !!!

For the first time i thought of writing something like this in english and so i did...!!!

You heard by luck or ignored by choice
Remembered forever or forgot in no time,
But i can bet you will not miss now
The heartening echoes of my voice !!!

Whenever u are down just think of me
and i will try the best to cheer u up,
But for that You will need to pay me
whatever i ask for as the price !!!

May be it is just an adorable smile
or it is earning of all your life,
Because I need to be compatible
with u my friend so i must be wise!!!

After all everything is fair in love and war !!!
(now guess and keep guessing !..:))

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Time for a bollywood movie story...:)

Disclaimer :: All the characters of the story are fictitious and if in case they resemble someone, that must be taken as a coincidence.

Movie starts with an Avril song " Losing Grip " the song ends and the lead characters (a boy and a girl both around 20-25 in age) are standing back to back . The screen darkens and story goes back in the past.

Boy and girl are kids and are very good friends, they wud study together, play together, will laugh and cry together and are growing day by day. Their parents are concerned about there future so they sit down and boy's parents decide that boy must become an engineer while girl's parents decide that she better study arts. So boy is sent to a nearby city and girl stays where she was.

Both of them does well to make there parents proud of them in their fields and now they are very close friends, whenever they will meet they will talk for hours, they will discuss everything and their parents gladly watched them growing. Time passed on and boy goes to a bigger city for higher education and girl comes to the nearby city for the same reason. It was when they started to feel attracted towards each other. Being a bollywood movie we need a song and there it is "Pyar to hona hi tha" by Remo, Song ends and screen darken again, now flashing "INTERVAL".

Movie resumes after interval, now as the distances are more they meet less often and the attraction makes both of them timid of talking with each other, boy is not happy so he decides to discuss it all and to do so he proposes the girl and even before the girl cud have thought and said anything boy disappears. A year passes on, in between they meet and call each other but it is just a formal interaction. By then girl had decided, filled with hope for better tomorrow she finally says to the boy "I Love You". Boy feels like flying high and swimming deep even if he knows nothing about flying or swimming.

Boy had decided that next time they meet, they sure wud have a blast. And when they actually meet they together looked happy, discussed a lot, winked at each other in public and had the best times. Vacations were over, it was time to go to the places they were in for their studies. Time kept running and things started to get complicated, first the friends then the family members and then the general public started speculating for a relationship between two of them and that made girl unhappy. So she decides to step back and tells the boy that even if we two are happy with each other, we must be friends only and let the time flow as it is flowing. Boy at once tried to convince the girl that "It is our life" who are others to tell us what we should do but she wouldn't try to understand. So boy said ok if it makes u happy we will be friends only forever.Time is running they are happy again, sharing almost everything, enjoying life together and looking happy but nothing has changed much they still love each other but none wud express it.

Life changes, boy is depressed because of his family problems the girl comes for rescue act. she would sit with the boy for whole day, will encourage him, will try to make him smile and everyone around wud just have one thing to do, notice them every time they are together, but girl had something in mind. As soon as boy recovers, girl says him goodbye and boy again is in place he is studying in.

And that was it girl had decided she will stay away from the boy, will try to avoid him as much as she can. Boy asked for a reason to her for this behaviour again and again and finally seemed to have gave up or had decided to move ahead in life. The screen darkens and boy and girl are standing back to back (now movie moves in forward direction).

And that's it from my side and u are allowed to make the ending the way u want, to put any song u wish, to blame boy or the girl for the failed relationship, to laugh or to cry...:)

Friday, March 9, 2007

The best of me in placements...:P

It was placement time and i had decided what i desire and was very much hopeful that i wud achieve that later or sooner. It was one pleasant morning and i had an interview to follow.So i woke up, dressed up in formals and went to the placement office and soon i was in front of the interviewer. He asked me to sit down, took out my test sheet and gave me a weired expression.I thought may be i have done something unusual and yes i had really done. I scored 8.75 out of 30 and may be was one of the worst scorer in that exam but still i was sitting in front of him, Thanks to the Royal Civil Department that allowed me to make that good CPI.Then he sits down and asks me with the expressions like what he was watching on my resume, was impossible or was the 8th wonder of the world the question or the voice of his soul finally came out as words.

You Scored a Perfect 10 ??? I calmly said yes Sir i did!!!

So he asks me to estimate the market capitalization of shirts in range of 1000-1500 in India and i took very little time in doing this and told him the exact number i calculated and i think that was reasonable enough.So he asks me the second estimation the special one to me now, the one many people have heard about after my estimation and the one that deserves special mention.

How many crows are there in Delhi ???

I was surprised that what the hell has he got to do with crows, they even dun take any place on ground which he might be concerned about, so i thought may be i haven't heard clearly and it was cows not the crows (That was the best that struck to my mind at that moment ). So i asked him 3-4 times sir is it cow or crow and every time he said it is crow. So finally i decided to go with the crows.

I took a deep breath and started troubling my mind but i was not even close to anything that i can relate with the number of crows, i was looking out of the window so that if i can see a crow may be i will be able to relate it with something somehow but time was running, so suddenly i said calmly,Sir there are 3,20,000 (0.32 million) crows in Dehli !!!

he stares at me and asks again how do u get that ... and that was the time when i thought ok lets go by population of Delhi . And so started the interaction i will never forget.

Sir birds are seen more and therefore birds will outnumber the humans. so i assumed that population of Delhi is 1.5 million and multiplied that by 10 to get the number of birds i.e. 15 million. Then i assumed there are several species of birds and as crows are common they wud claim a higher percentage so i assumed that there are 0.4 million crows (Even i wonder how i got that number but as i had fixed the answer to obtain i had only one wish get that number anyhow). It was time to apply reduction to this number and i did the same. I assumed that 10% of the all bird species are powerful than crows and so they attack them and kill them and same way a 10% reduction for dogs and cats . And after applying these reductions i got the number i wanted 0.32 million, thats it. As soon as i finished he looked at me, smiled and asked me can i relate with any other bird.

There i was thinking again and as i cudn't recall what kabootars(pigeons) are called in English i said yes sir i can relate crows with parrots without any second thought. He asked me to do it . Again my creative thinking was at the best. I said, Sir parrot is a more beautiful bird than crow and can speak like humans as well and therefore it is hunted more and so parrots will be half in numbers in comparison to crows. Again he asks can u estimate the number of parrots and again i said yes i can. He asked me to do it. so i said sir we will make sure that every parrot in Delhi eats only parrot brand food and there is only one company that produces the parrot brand food and we can keep the track of the production and of the amount of food that on average a parrot eats we can get the number of parrots and so the number of crows in Delhi.

At every single line i speak during this process he stared at me and asked in disbelief "U Scored a Perfect 10 ??? " and every time i calmly said yes Sir i did.

So he stands up wishes me best of luck and said thanx for your time i gave him a smile and moved out of the room with the memories that i wud love generations to know about ....:)

What else do i need when i can have the best ones ...!!!

I am colour blind (to some extent i am really) still my world is full with colours, i dun have many tastebuds still there is no food i can't know taste of, my eyes are weak but i can see as far as i want to, i dun know how to cook and still i will never die hungry even if i dun pay, i am unreasonable most of the times but still i am a trusted one, i sound confident even when i loose, everyone knows that i speak a lot but still i am a secret keeper for many. And the only reason behind all this is the persons i trust, respect and care for that is my friends.

I am not the one with the right to decide who is gud or bad but yes i have the right to select the persons i want to spend my time with and that is a work i do with all my heart and mind and only rarely i make friends. Cause if i am not with a person who can understand me then all i am doing is telling someone a story for an bollywood movie .

I always wish that any person whom i want to be a friend of mine should be better than i am in atleast one aspect. Be it in expressing self, discussions, acads, sports or whatever that can be observerd over the time so that i can improve myself on that aspect. And that is the reason "I am the worst person i know and that is the best i can be " Because i don't want to compromise on this as the friends ( atleast the one's i have ) are my inspiration when i am down, motivation whenever i need a push, guide whenever i am lost and support system everytime i require one.

And in doing so (i.e. in making a friend) i have failed only twice because i underestimated the person i wanted to have as friend i mean either they were too better than i am or i was too worse a person to be with them and i regret for my expectations from them, more than anything else.

So even if i have very few ( i can really count on my fingers), I have the best ones or the choosen ones and so i dun need anything else to enjoy life the way i want...!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

5 years in IIT

The 5 years during which i have changed so much that sometimes it becomes difficult for me to adapt in the places i was in before coming to IIT. It all commenced with my first footstep in this so called the best institute. Within 24 hrs of stay i started realizing that life is going to be different and pitiful, if i dun change, can't create my own identity and the only solution to that was to keep myself motivated.

First year just passed in adapting to this new arena wherein, English was not only a part of curriculum but the necessary tool for survival, Being selfish was a matter of pride, To think big and dream even bigger was a routine practice, Everyone was best from wherever he or she belonged to and where expressing feelings meant nonsense.
So i was learning life the way it was going to be, making new friends, though always thinking to get out of this place as soon as i can . And somehow a year passed by and all i had achieved over the year was a certificate of passing exam and found a person who wud become my the best friend in coming years of stay in this place if at all i survived anymore.

Second year brought new hopes, new faces to watch and a spirit to perform the best of me, everything was exactly as i wanted it to be and the auspicious time resulted in an academic performance that not only boosted the confidence but also helped me in deciding where should i put in the best efforts . year passed on, care and trust reinforced bonds among friends, academia became the priority and survival was no more an issue. Now it was time to celebrate and enjoy life the way it was shaping .

Third year came and life was just getting better and suddenly time stopped and life shattered with one word "demise". I went home and returned broken and feeling cheated. And thats when the person i mentioned in my first year wud be the best friend became the one and only . He stood by my side every time i needed, listened everything my heart wanted to say, guided every time i asked him to. He made me understand " Every event that happens is sure for better future iff u can act accordingly the needs of outcome of that event " .

Though it took me sometime to gain self confidence but again there i was to prove myself, to face any challenge, and to create my own identity but in a different place, the place i was born and brought up in . I had decided it is time for revenge, everyone who agreed with me was respected and everyone who didn't, meant nothing to me. I tried hard, luck favoured and there i was standing out of crowd. My every dream till date was reality and i took all credit for what i had become over the span of eventful time.

Fourth year brought responsibilities, hopes and an attitude to never say die. And the vacation time that i spend at home did wonders for me and there it was so called perfect performance ( There were only two aims when in institute, learn life and perform in acads) and as i had learnt so much about life in vacations that it was time to perform in acads and the rest is history . I scored a perfect 10 and i was more then happy with the way i was doing .

Finally it was time to say good bye to old friends (B.Techs) and to welcome new friends ( M.Techs). We celebrated the success of everyone and enjoyed every bit of life.

And there i was in the final and the Fifth year of my stay in IIT. A person who still loved to walk alone, who still was not gud at English, who cudn't become selfish to the extents he wanted to be, whom very few of the people will respect or will care for but i was self gratified.

Time is running, i am almost done with all my responsibilities as of now and have made everyone feel that there exists an arbit person KK .